Saturday, February 22, 2014


We are finally finished with our Middle Ages unit study.. Well Cheyenne is.. I still have to type up her final questionnaire so that we can add it to her portfolio to show what we have been working on these last 6 weeks! We also am rounding up Charlottes Web on Friday with watching the movie and a short paper on the differences of the two. We took a little longer then planned on the Charlottes Web, as with Dr.s visits our days have been broken.. I am so proud that she has come so far even with all the interruptions  and adjustments. I know that if she were in brick and mortar setting, she'd be behind, not able to just pick up where SHE left off. Vincent is really taking off with preschool lately. At first we were having a really hard time, mainly because his answer for everything being "yeah", it still kind of is, but because of his speech therapy, his language skills are improving and his answers are branching out. My virtual school students are a little behind this week as as I said doctors visits, but the nice thing is we can make up our work over the weekend. 
One of the many reasons I can't wait to be traditionally homeschooling all 6 next year, they can go by their own schedule, not the virtual schools... 

Thursday, February 13, 2014


So I will be the first to admit when I first thought of homeschooling I thought of lazy days... You know do a couple of "school" things and then relax, read a book, spend down time with the kids... HOWEVER, our school days have been anything but lazy! First of all, we wake up kinda late, ranging from 8 am to 10 am, (depending on how well we've slept) we don't even start school till 10 - 11 am. Then it seems like a nonstop marathon till the end of our day. Even when "school" ends, we have doctors appointments, (and with 6 kids that alone is a whole nother story, seriously how hard is it to let me schedule more then one kid per visit!) shopping trips, school trips, meals, and more! Believe me when I say I am by no means complaining, as I have always thrived on busy, however, this is a little more then we had originally planned for, and while busy can be good, I worry about the kids and myself not getting enough "downtime". I worry we will burn out... I think a new and improved schedule may be in order. Any suggestions, please let me know in the comments. :)